In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World by Pádraig Tuama, Krista Tippett
- In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World
- Pádraig Tuama, Krista Tippett
- Page: 262
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9781506470528
- Publisher: Broadleaf Books
New ebook free download In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World by Pádraig Tuama, Krista Tippett 9781506470528
From master storyteller and host of On Being's Poetry Unbound, Pádraig Ó Tuama, comes an unforgettable memoir of peace and reconciliation, Celtic spirituality, belonging, and sexual identity. "It is in the shelter of each other that the people live." Drawing on this Irish saying, Ó Tuama relates ideas of shelter and welcome to our journeys of life, using poetry, story, biblical reflection, and prose to open up gentle ways of living well in a troubled world. In the Shelter introduces Corrymeela, the Northern Ireland peace and reconciliation community Ó Tuama led for many years, and throughout the book he reveals the power of storytelling in communities of conflict. From the heart of a poet comes a profound look at the landscapes we all try to inhabit even as we always search for shelter, a place we can call home. An instant spiritual classic in Ireland and Britain, now brought to a US readership.
In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World (英語 - アマゾン
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In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World - CommonWord
In this book, much-loved poet, storyteller, theologian and speaker Pádraig Ó Tuama applies ideas of shelter and welcome to journeys of life, using poetry, story,
In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World | The Portobello
In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World. Padraig O Tuama. Format: Paperback / softback. Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton. Published: 11th
In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World by Pádraig Ó
Jan 29, 2020 - In the Shelter book. Read 82 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. There's an old Irish proverb: 'It is in the shelter of each other
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